The Art of Ray Moore

Ray Moore's Phantom

The first eight daily stories drawn by Ray Moore are probably best described as sophisticated and artistic. The fashions and layouts have a convincing 1930's look and feel and in many cells the style reminds me of fashion sketches. Moore often combined the simple and uncluttered cell layouts with imaginative use of black areas and heavy shading, especially on the Phantom's body. They are a real highlight of this period. In fact, this early style is typified by the costume shading and the fine muscle detail on the Phantom's face and body. The costume shading is a combination of the normal "stiple" or dots used in strips to give the appearance of grey, combined with heavy hand shadowing. It is almost as though the stiple alone didn't give the Phantom a "dark" enough look or feel for Moore. This early style certainly portrays the Phantom as a dark and shadowy figure. A man of mystery.

The Ray Moore Tribute

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